
  1. Roshan Klein-Seetharaman.
    Roshan was an undergraduate intern at National Renewable Energy Laboratory and is continously working with us after the internship. He is currently an undergraduate student in Yale University. Roshan is working with us on utilizing transfer learning to enhance grid edge load forecasting.

  2. Keyang Xuan
    Keyang is a graduate intern at National Renewable Energy Laboratory. He is currently a MCS student student in University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign (UIUC). Keyang is working with us on grid edge resource flexibility prediction with social impact integrated.

  3. Ruiqi Li
    Ruiqi is an undergraduate student at Oregon State University. She is working with us on grid edge load consumption prediction.

  4. Wenjia Xia
    Wenjia is going to join us as a PhD student in Sep 2024. She received her master and bachelor degrees from Dalian Maritime University in China.


We are looking for 1-2 self-motivated PhD students with solid background of math and interests in deep learning to join our research group. If you are interested, please email me your CV and apply here.